Multiple Choice sheets automated marking
Install TeXLive on line.
wget tar -xzf install-tl-unx.tar.gz cd install-tl-20xxxx sudo ./install-tl
Note | |
Replace xxxx with the digits or type TABULATION. |
Select O then L and enter 3 times.
Select R then I.
Note | |
TexLive-full is the setting default. If you don't want all the packages, press C then select your packages then R and finally I. |
sudo apt install equivs --no-install-recommends mkdir -p /tmp/tl-equivs && cd /tmp/tl-equivs equivs-control texlive-local
Open the web link and note the version number:
wget -O texlive-local equivs-build texlive-local sudo dpkg -i texlive-local_20xx-x_all.deb sudo apt install -f
Install AMC.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:alexis.bienvenue/stable && sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install auto-multiple-choice && sudo apt-get install msmtp
Create a symbolic link.
sudo ln -s /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/AMC /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local/tex/latex/AMC sudo mktexlsr sudo tlmgr update --self --all
You may print the DOC-sujet.pdf
file on 2 pages
per 1 sheet with any pdf reader but AMC will not be able to analyse automatic
data capture from scans, you have to “crop” it.
convert pdf scans to pbm images.
pdfimages yourfile.pdf foo
“Crop” each image into two pages.
mogrify -rotate -90 -crop 50%x100% *.pbm
Note | |
Noneeded to do after the previous command: mogrify -rotate +90 -crop 50%x100% *.pbm all pages will be treated and automatically renamed with ImageMagick. You can force ImageMagick to apply simultaneous black/white threshold to the image to make box checking easier (here 80%). mogrify -rotate -90 -crop 50%x100% -threshold 80% *.pbm
Let’s move to the Data capture tab of the graphical interface
and select this set of pbm
From and
You need to add a script nammed prePythonTex4AMC and make it executable.
#! /bin/sh SRC=$1 echo "***** JOBNAME=$AMC_JOBNAME" echo "***** CMD=$AMC_CMD" rm -rf ./pythontex-files-* rm -f $AMC_JOBNAME.pytxcode $AMC_CMD echo "***** PYTHON" python /path/to/file/ $AMC_JOBNAME.pytxcode echo "***** END FILTER"
Note | |
python3 works too. python3 /path/to/file/ |
Add the following three lines to the beginning of the LaTex file.
%%AMC:preprocess_command=/path/to/file/prePythonTex4AMC %%AMC:jobspecific=1 %%AMC:latex_engine=pdflatex --shell-escape
Warning | |
Some python modules need to be installed (sympy, pygments) |
%%AMC:preprocess_command=/path/to/file/prePythonTex4AMC %%AMC:jobspecific=1 %%AMC:latex_engine=pdflatex --shell-escape \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[english,bloc,completemulti]{automultiplechoice} \usepackage{fancyhdr,amssymb,amsmath} % ---------- Utilisation de codes Python ----- \usepackage{pythontex} %---------------------------------------------- \begin{pycode} import numpy as np from sympy import * np.random.seed(12345) # IMPORTANT : ramdom seed def polyv2(b,p,d,q) : x=Symbol('x') myp = expand((x-b)**p*(x-d)**q) return latex(myp) def dp1x(a,b,c) : x=Symbol('x') y=Symbol('y') f=(a*y-1)/(b*x-1)**c g=diff(f,x,1) g2=g/b g3=g*(-1) g4=g2*(-1) gl = latex(g) g2l = latex(g2) g3l = latex(g3) g4l = latex(g4) return np.array([gl,g2l,g3l,g4l]) \end{pycode} \begin{document} \element{Questions}{% \begin{question}{QA}The value of $\pi$ is \begin{choices} \correctchoice{\py{np.pi}} \wrongchoice{\py{100+200}} \wrongchoice{\py{np.random.randint(10)+3.15}} \end{choices} \end{question} \begin{question}{QB} \pyc{a=np.random.randint(10)} \pyc{b=np.random.randint(10)} \pyc{z=np.complex(a,b)} Let the complex number $\underline{Z}= py{a}+i. py{b}$, what is the value of $\underline{Z} 2$~? \begin{choices} \correctchoice{\py{z**2}} \wrongchoice{\py{np.conj(z**2)}} \wrongchoice{\py{1/z}} \end{choices} \end{question} }% \onecopy{5}{ %%% beginning of the test sheet header: \noindent{\bf QCM \hfill TEST} \vspace*{.5cm} \begin{minipage}{.4\linewidth} \centering\large\bf Test\\ Examination on Jan. 1st, 2008 \end{minipage} %------------------------------------- \begin{center}\em Duration : 10 minutes. No documents allowed. The use of electronic calculators is forbidden. Questions using the sign \multiSymbole{} may have zero, one or several correct answers. Other questions have a single correct answer. Negative points may be attributed to \emph{very bad} answers. \end{center} \end{minipage}\hspace*{\fill} } \vspace{5ex} \begin{question}{deriv-px-1} \pyc{a=np.random.randint(2,7)} % \pyc{b=np.random.randint(2,5)} % \pyc{c=np.random.randint(2,5)} % \pyc{drvx=dp1x(a,b,c)} Let the following function: $f(x,y)= \dfrac{\py{a} y-1}{(\py{b} x-1)^{\py{c}}}$ What is the partial derivative $ \dfrac{\partial f(x,y)}{\partial x}$ ? \begin{choiceshoriz} \correctchoice{$\py{drvx[0]}$} \wrongchoice{$\py{drvx[1]}$} \wrongchoice{$\py{drvx[2]}$} \wrongchoice{$\py{drvx[3]}$} \end{choiceshoriz} \end{question} %--------------- % POLYNOME %-------------- \begin{question}{polynome-v2} \pyc{b=np.random.randint(2,7)} % racine r = b \pyc{p=np.random.randint(2,4)} % p : ordre de mult de b \pyc{d=np.random.randint(2,5)} % racine r = d \pyc{q=np.random.randint(2,3)} % q : ordre de mult de d \pyc{mypoly=polyv2(b,p,d,q)} % construction de mypolyv2 Let the polynomial: $\py{mypoly}$ What is the root multiplicity order $r = \py{b}$ ? \begin{choiceshoriz} \correctchoice{$\py{p}$} \wrongchoice{$\py{p+1}$} \wrongchoice{$\py{p-1}$} \wrongchoice{$\py{p+2}$} \end{choiceshoriz} \end{question} \restituegroupe{Questions} } \end{document}
Login to your gmail account then enable the option : Allowing less secure apps to access your account.
Type in a terminal :
sudo apt-get install msmtp
sudo gedit /etc/msmtprc
add the following content to msmtprc file and save it.
account gmail host tls on tls_certcheck off port 587 auth login from user password your_password
Set up AMC :
→ → → , select and type the path :/usr/bin/msmtp
Type in a terminal :
sudo port install msmtp
sudo pico ~/.msmtprc
add the following content to msmtprc file and save it.
account default host tls on tls_certcheck off port 587 auth login from user password your_password
Modify the access rights:
sudo chown user_name:user_name/Users/user_name/.msmtprc chmod 0600 /Users/user_name/.msmtprc
Set up AMC :
→ → → , select and type the path :/opt/local/bin/msmtp